Who We Are:
CABI Commodities‘ mission is:
“To promote profitable, healthy and environmentally safe
commodity production for resource-poor farmers
through information, research and training”
CABI Commodities’ aims are all about fostering quality:

Quality commodities (hence farmers will receive a good price)
A quality environment (which helps farmers receive a better price)
A high standard of farmer health (helping to reduce reliance on toxic agro-chemicals)
A quality life-style for farmers (sufficient cash in hand to protect rural livelihoods)
We aim to achieve this by providing a combination of technical services (Coffee / Cocoa) on several aspects of commodity production, augmented where necessary by collaboration with associates and consultants.
We aim to provide a comprehensive service to help farmers solve their problems in order to give added value to their coffee and cocoa by producing the highest quality product for today’s increasingly demanding consumers.
Through biocontrol methods, rational chemical use and advice on agronomic practices and processing we aim to reduce costs. By working with fair-trade, environmental and organic organisations we hope to increase value and capitalise on the clean, quality product we help produce. Download our position statement on ‘Smallholders in Commodity Markets’
CABI’s Organisational Structure:

CAB International is a not-for-profit intergovernmental organisation with more than 40 member countries dedicated to fostering sustainable development for small farmers. CAB International has two main areas of activity, CABI Publishing and CABI Bioscience. The vast majority of its income comes from sales of publications, CD ROMs, and donor-funded projects. It has been in the forefront of the application of scientific knowledge to agriculture and the environment for over 70 years.
It does this by supplying a number of services to national research and extension organisations in over one hundred countries.
CABI Bioscience is internationally based and staffed by teams of biotechnologists, ecologists, parasitologists, crop protection and biological control specialists and extensionists/trainers. It operates from two sites in the UK (Egham and Ascot) and from its centres and offices in Malaysia, Pakistan, Kenya, Trinidad, India, China and Switzerland.
CABI Commodities is a recently formed unit based at the Egham, UK site of CABI Bioscience, and currently deals with coffee and cocoa projects, drawing on the resources of the whole organisation.