Coffee Futures:
A source book of some critical issues confronting the coffee industry
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“For want of US$3, Anastacia Akuli’s education was lost…Joseph Peter, who has looked after his eight year-old granddaughter since her parents died of AIDS, says he has been able to afford only Tsh 1,500 of the Tsh 4,000 fee for her first school year. It is a paltry sum – the price of a cup of gourmet coffee in London. But the revenue Mr Peter receives from his coffee crop is simply not enough, and there are also Anastacia’s medical bills to pay.”
Latest developments:

A new resource for cocoa IPM……. DISCOVERY LEARNING ABOUT COCOA
At least 100 million people are directly and indirectly employed in the South producing coffee and cocoa, and small-holder producers are threatened by low prices, technological change and liberalised markets. They face problems ensuring a quality product, and effectively combating pests and diseases that threaten their livelihoods.
At CABI Commodities we believe that it is vitally important for smallholder farmer commodity production to remain profitable, yet environmentally sustainable. Our fundamental purpose is to help them achieve this by providing effective solutions based on decades of experience world-wide.
To find out more about our aims, projects we are involved in (coffee and cocoa) and the technical support services we offer in sustainable coffee and cocoa production, crop protection, post-harvest processing and farmer training, please follow the appropriate links on this page…

Global Research On Cocoa – working with and for farmers
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